Wednesday, 30 April 2014


it's days like this when sleep seems imperative/
not necessarily the answer to my problems
a way of shutting them off,
temporarily stopping this soft machine that i inhabit
and if there's somone next to me,
they're obviously lost/
polka dot impressions of you on my skin,
as i sink deeper into the cheap thrills that distract me

Tuesday, 29 April 2014


if love is a verb,
then what am i doing?
pissing away yesterday's excess
when i should be making the most of it/
sitting on the fence,
bent double,
in trouble again
lending a hand with barely posable thumbs/
disposable income,
disposable lighters,
a whole generation of disposable items
passing the time
just to find out we've wasted it
wasted again
(as per usual)
choosing to do this
because it's easier than being proactive/
actively avoiding the responsibility they gave us,
saying we're too young
when we're old enough
to make the wise choice
to shove those white lies up our collective nose,
hoping we'll find something better to do
before we're in too deep/
yellow submarines
in our own sea of chemicals,
smelling the coffee long after we stop waking up/
up is down,
down is up,
and i am drunk/
same old story
death, glory and beans on toast/
knowing that milk with knives in
couldn't revive us now/
head in the clouds
of smoke that fills the room/
losing my edge like i lost this bet with sobriety:
why can't I be you?
why can't i choose life
over this high society i find myself in?
spinning faces and such high falls from grace
that i'm scared we've broken a leg/
good luck and fuck forever is all you said
(i'll bear that in mind next time i'm trying to find you
in the neon night time places we habituate these days)
paper planes pass us by,
over our heads
like the death of our salesman friends
from the endless lines they've become accustomed to/
losing their minds like it's going out of fashion
trash talk their only language/
barely managing to string a sentence together
before we pass out
arse over tit
as we try to outsmart the things we've become/
and the drinks we spilt to get there
not caring is our ambition,
missing in action as the undeniable facts are laid bare/
effortlessly falling up the stairs to my bed
rightly thinking that these neon nights
were dead before we started/
half-hearted conversations pale into insignificance
among the stimulants
that have become an imminent part of the way we function/
drunk and disorderly is what they call us
but trust me,
the problem's more complex than that/
looking back at the men we were
before the sex,
and sausage rolls/
rolling over backwards
to scratch your back
while you stab me in mine/
as you find
that our vices
have put a price on our heads/
and empty beds
are no compensation
for the way we paved
for all the other
good vibrations
of these
night time

Wednesday, 23 April 2014


you like to think that you're an expert in everything,
nursing your own pride
to hide the fact
that you're pretending:
who needs friends when you've got enemies?
telling me this, telling me that/
apocalypse now is nowhere near how I feel around you sometimes,
patronising me to disguise
how it's a hide and seek situation/
waiting for your one ups to get a man down,
my mistakes are what make you stick around/
sticks and stones are nothing,
but your words piss me off:
right and wrong become a one on one argument,
asking myself why I bother with a know-it-all like you/
truth be told I'm through with your billy liar triumphs
of empty words and tip-ex corrections,
flexible facts as long as you have to be right/
your pedantics make me retch
check my pulse and if it's still beating I won't keep you from killing me/
anything to keep me from the dull reality that your company's become
because there's always one who has to be difficult
and for some reason,
that's always been you

you like being right more than being liked/
but some of us aren't so self-righteous
like I said,
better not to be smart but pleasant instead:
use your head to know when to drop the subject/
I accept that I make mistakes too,
but taking 2 to tango is one thing
and thinking you're better than the whole floor of dancers is another
(i'll punch you in the oesophagus if you talk for much longer)
that I'm an idiot
but I'm not blessed with a photographic memory like you/
2 heads are better than one
but not when one head is dead from the brain down/
after all the hows and whys have been explained
by such a wise guy like you/
just choose to shut your mouth once in a while/
I'm not trying to run some kind of fascist regime,
I just mean that we'd get on better if you didn't shoot me down/
doubting the intelligence that although I might hide well
is not something for someone like you to question
unless you have that sarcastic streak removed
(maybe a lobotomy would do the job)

I know I'm exaggerating,
making a big deal,
but this really is the only way I could tell you
to get a word in edgeways
without naming names
or laying in to your rain man tendencies.
I'm sorry that you caught me on a bad day,
let's say we both try to be kind, rewind,
remind ourselves that a friendship is worth it/
shit discos aside
let's decide
to get on with it
together in sickness and health/
breathalyser days behind us
as we try and find meaning
in our daydreams
and make believe games
of hide and seek


it used to be all sandcastles
and video nasties
but it's not that simple any more/
if you asked me why,
I couldn't divulge if I tried
tie dye days and the things we said are over/
I'm sorry, I overestimated myself and did it again,
repetition of the same old tricks/
here's one I made earlier
and I'm a vampire,
can you tell?
memory tells me I'm just your problem
and problems are parallel
but right now our wires are crossed,
costing us our little talks/
that's what I get for walking away, I guess/
"no rest for the wicked" they said
and it's only now that I know they weren't joking,
hoping my metaphorical fangs will fall off/
with the probability of soft porn and wasted weekends imminent
I become irrelevant,
living without your big big love and colour tv/
believe me, I'd love to
but it's not that simple, is it?
best intentions still lend themselves
to a means to an end
just like heaven you're not helping that cause
and you're talking to a man
who can just as easily turn into a bat
as save ourselves from this mess/
maybe we didn't help or maybe we got dealt a shit hand:
sad handshake, bloodshake, taking what's yours
just because I know what happened
and the worse thing is
that I don't care/
because I'm a vampire, can you tell?
well, I thought we'd be here for a while
but now I know
that I'm just your problem
and you're just mine
how this keeps happening is a mystery to me/
green tea and heated conversation can't save us now
so how about you take that crucifix you call compromise
'til the sun rises
over all the parties of tomorrow
and all the lonely people
learn from what we've done


dazed and confused/
daisy chains and choosing sides
with mr. hyde and me
blue cheese,
cold knees,
this happened quickly/
kicking myself,
putting up shelves,
shit-scared of what we’ve started
and where we’ve been
if teenage kicks are nothing these days
then mr. hyde should be my name/
shameless, blaming you for tricks and treats
in the red light district,
trying to distinguish
what makes her distinctive/
having difficulty thinking where to put my foot next
let alone what to do with a girl like her/
certain things are definite
but I've risked it twice before
just to find out that we’re not infinite
and there’s no limit
to the number of times I can fuck it up/
insisting it’s your fault
I’m the destructive one:
godzilla, king kong and all the other monsters of my childhood are nothing
compared to the string of disappointments I’ve become
I'm better off dead than dancing with myself:
introspection at its best/
you’ve made yourself a priority/
sorry just doesn’t cut it any more
when the warning of wet paint you already lent on
is as necessary as the pain you caused her,
not just her cross to bear but yours as well/
you can run but you can’t hide
because in this life it’s all the same,
this modern age, modest mouse, detached house disaster
already meeting you in the form of a bored yawn,
asking you for a last chance before answering with the shrug I’ve become accustomed to,
not knowing that I killed her inside,
sliding the I don’t know between her spare ribs/
in a catch 22 with the cold stare shared
and the hot air between us
and YOU
are my mr. hyde,
psycho killer,
king kong
and all the other monsters of my childhood
who are nothing
compared to the string of disappointments I’ve become