Tuesday, 25 March 2014


last year
I was a bit of a boy in a bubble
forever blowing them as well
we all were,
for better or worse/
rose tinted spectacles hurting our eyes
making a spectacle of ourselves
that's just what we did
I thought the sun shone out your arse
and it did, for a bit
your bitchy resting face didn't bother me
but maybe there was more to it than just a face
that sounds bitter/
i'll hit myself so you don't have to
and show myself out
the truth is,
people change
and people are strange
stranger than the doors of perception
or electric sheep
"keep dreaming, honey"
you said
because you're not going to send me back to where I came from
unless I'm very much mistaken
time travel is still impossible
not that I'd want to go back anyway
it's all water off a duck's back
and that's it
slow claps
from a slow club/
something to do with barnacles,
bus rides
and mother's day
you said
red red wine
not feeling as fine as we used to
excuse me, can I get past?
past, present and future are similar
except you're only in one of them
(I think)
pink elephants dance round my head/
empty bed blues
choosing to finally cut ties with you
suit and tie disasters
kitchen sink dramas
the dalai lama's wisdom couldn't help us right now/
shouting obscenities in foreign supermarkets
starting to realise
that this ride was a one way journey
great train robbery/
robbing us of our ability to sit down and talk
I know for sure
that we're done now/
i'll count my blessings,
put all my eggs in one basket
and ask you for one last robot dance
before the bubbles that we blew
burst at last

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