I know that time
is the most annoying thing to wait around for
counting down the days/
'til the next blue Monday
intent on presenting yourself
with no other options/
if god doesn't work in mysterious ways
then something does,
because life is strange
stranger than fiction/
addicted to the things that distract you
from actually moving on
i know i belong wherever you are/
but right now I'm clueless
as to where that might be
I know that time,
ticking away
the moments
that make up a dull day
drives you crazy/
time flies
tick tock
like a clockwork orange
"stop" you said/
every second,
or hour
wasted as things go nowhere/
losing the will
to even kill
a fly trying to escape
through the closed windows
of your home sweet home,
getting more sour
with every hour that you wait
but waiting is worth it
I served my time too/
on trial for my own thoughtcrime
(1984 all over again)
waiting for the spiders in my brain
to stop making cobwebs
and fuck off instead/
hell on earth you call it
i know that's what it might seem like
but over time
the possibility of life without electric wires
and crying in corners
becomes all the more likely
you won't care if Monday's blue,
Tuesday's grey
and Wednesday too/
because a new day is just around the corner
forget me not
chocolate nights
and days where the blood in your veins
seems a distant memory
regardless of the enemy,
the future,
mad dogs
and Englishmen
finally letting yourself believe
(after all this time)
"things aren't always quite what they seem"
"there's more than one given angle to any one given scene"
and the scene you're in
is between you and me
scene and not heard,
and in love with the girl next door
not care free but caring less
about the suggestion box inside your head/
knowing you're not better off dead
but instead
knowing that time is a healer,
dealing with problems is good for your health
and sometimes
it's ok to spend the seconds,
and hours
on yourself
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